Cold, Flu, Sugar?


Is It a Virus That is Causing Your Cold and Flu Symptoms?

Think about when “Cold & Flu Season” starts, typically around October right? What are the masses usually doing in October? Overdosing on candy…and this “season” lasts through April and more candy and treat-filled holidays, right?

Sugar DESTROYS your immune system. The majority of your immune system lives in your gut, and sugar can feed the overgrowth of bad bacteria that wreak havoc on your gut and in turn significantly weakens your immune system. So while these common colds and viruses circulate, your immune system may be compromised due to an overindulgence of sugar. Other things like decreased Vitamin D may also be to blame for an ineffective immune system.

God designed the body to heal when we remove the interference and give it what it needs! What can you do to strengthen your body and give yourself faith in your body’s ability to heal?

Watch below to learn more causes of a weakened immune system and our recommendations to give your body the ability to heal and keep that immune system strong and effective!


Happy Healthy-Days!


It’s Officially the Holiday Season – Let’s Get Cooking!