DIY Smoothie Recipe


Spring and Summer are the seasons for lightening up your meals! Smoothies are an easy way to lighten up your meal and pack a ton of nutrition into your day.

Smoothies are quick and simple to put together and can be adjusted to your tastes as well as your dietary and nutritional needs.

We put together a quick step-by-step “recipe” to give you the base ratio of ingredients to start with. The beautiful thing about this “recipe” is that the variations are endless!

Some tips to keep in mind:

  1. When it comes to ingredients – QUALITY MATTERS! This is not where you want to skimp on your standards.

  2. Keep your produce organic, local, and seasonal when you can!

  3. For added convenience buy whole foods (peeling often is not necessary)! Slice it, store it in the freezer, and add whole pieces to the blender. Ginger, lemon, lime, apple, cucumber, celery. Get adventurous!

  4. Make your ingredients purposeful. With so many nutritious variables, make strategic choices to get the most out of your smoothie!

View Our Recipe Here!

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