How Safe is Your Water?


Did you know that millions of Americans drink water that violates U.S. health standards?

Are you one of them?

Tap water in most U.S. cities is considered ‘safe to drink’, but EPA standards and legal limits on when tap water is unsafe to drink haven’t been updated in about twenty years. Remember: legal does not necessarily equal safe.

The Berkey water filter is an effective, freestanding water purification system; designed to provide drinking water for everyday use or in case of emergency. It is gravity-fed, meaning it does not require electricity. Water from almost any source can be poured into the upper chamber of the unit, and by the time it reaches the lower chamber, it is the purest, healthiest water.

With a Berkey Filter, you can have peace knowing that you and your family are drinking SAFE water.

Shop Berkey Filters

Want to know if your water is safe? You can use Berkey’s Water Quality Search tool to see contaminant levels in your area.


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