Your Last Line of Defense Against the Flu? Your Immune System


Many of us thought that the pandemic would be over by now, yet here we go into the autumn and winter seasons, where other strains of the common flu may be present. 

Yes, social distancing and washing hands are still a good line of defense, but what about your LAST line of defense? And I’m not talking about flu a shot! I’m talking about your immune system.

Now more than ever, keeping our immune systems operating at optimal levels is critical to keeping yourself and your family healthy. 

There are good supplements to consider, such as Vitamin D and C and Zinc to name a few, but do you know the number one thing that influences our immune system?

1. The food we eat. 

The food we eat has a direct impact on the body’s ability to protect itself. Especially sugarThe best thing you can do right now for your immunity is to stop eating sugar and grains. Or at least cut-down. Grains turn to sugar immediately in the body!

Other things to boost immunity include:



Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water! Hydration and the appropriate amount of water help both the immune system function properly as well as the rest of the body. For proper hydration, men should drink 125 ounces per day women should drink 90 ounces per day. This will ensure that your body has the proper hydration so it can perform at optimal levels.


Fats often get a bad rap. We’ve been taught that fats make us FAT! This is a big misconception, but we have to eat the RIGHT FATS, healthy fats. Yes, some fats can be harmful, for example, saturated and trans fats. These can be hazardous to your health because they raise cholesterol levels and affect heart health. The good fats are mono- and polyunsaturated fats. These fats are essential for our bodies to keep functioning properly and help support our immune system. Good sources of healthy fats are fish, nuts, and avocados!


Our weight can fluctuate from month to month, even day to day, but letting it get out of control can have a negative effect on our immune system. When the body carries extra weight, our immune systems have to work overtime and often with fewer resources. This weakens the immune system and decreases the ability to fight infections. When you take care of point number one, the “food we eat” weight is not a problem.


Regardless of the type of activity, running, weight lifting, cycling, etc., our bodies are designed to move. The key is to find something you LIKE to do. And if it can be done outside, you’ll increase your Vitamin D levels at the same time 🙂  Exercise and physical activity helps keep weight off, improves heart function, and enhances our bodies ability to function AND its ability to fight off infections. A good goal is to do some thing active for at least 30 minutes, 5 days per week, whether you’re walking, jogging, even skipping or dancing.


Sleep is crucial to our well-being, as it allows our bodies to recharge and catch up on repair from the day.  Ensuring we get good, quality sleep can be difficult. Try getting better, especially if we are stressed. There are plenty of natural ways to ensure quality sleep be it supplements, meditation and breath work.

If you need help with any of these things to help increase immunity, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We have specific programs, including our Forever Young Academy group membership to help the body heal and function properly, just pop us a note in the form below. To your health!


Life in the Bubble


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