Is Buying Organic Worth It?


Have you found yourself shopping for produce, but struggling to decide whether you should buy organic? I have a great resource to share with you to help!

Have you heard of the Clean Fifteen/Dirty Dozen? It’s a guide to pesticides in produce published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). These lists are updated annually, and they highlight the top 15 “clean” types of producing the 12 types that are dirty”, meaning they have the most toxins.

In a perfect world, everything should be organic, because then you would be eating food by God. But honestly, sometimes you can’t find organic onions or broccoli, and those things really don’t have to always be organic.

See The Clean 15

See The Dirty Dozen

So, what does the Dirty Dozen have to do with your thyroid?

When you choose to produce that has been treated with toxic pesticides, you are ingesting those toxins (yep, those same toxins that KILL all living things on the crops) Think about what that must do to YOUR body!

Think of your body as having a bucket. You’ve been absorbing toxins in your bucket since conception! And as your bucket becomes full, it starts to overflow. That’s when you start to get symptoms! Symptoms of dysfunction all over the body, because the toxins cause inflammation at the cellular level every time.

Remember: the poison is in the dose. Every improvement that you make to the foods that you eat and the products that you choose to use on your body and in your home provides progress towards healing.

Do you want to learn more about the causes of cellular inflammation and what you can do to start the process of healing? Visit ForeverYoungAcademy.Health! We’d love to teach you more about how toxins affect the thyroid and overall well-being and what you can do to improve your health by lowering your toxicity. We hope to hear from you soon!


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