Is your morning coffee sabotaging your health goals?


Many people rely on coffee daily for an energy boost and a more focused mind, but they must then power through the jitters and crashes that can soon follow. On top of that, typical coffees tend to taste bitter and/or highly acidic, making you add heavy amounts of mix-ins to make it palatable. Yuck!

Commercial coffee varieties are full of harmful mycotoxins from molds that occur in coffee bean crops and the pesticides used to treat them. These toxins can severely affect your health.

Many clients come to me thinking all coffee is bad, which is not totally true. Drinking too much is bad, for sure, for many reasons. Too much caffeine can be hard on the adrenals.

But, God made coffee and it can be part of a healthy diet. Some clients come to me saying they can’t drink coffee, but they find that when they change the brand of coffee, they absolutely CAN enjoy PURE, clean, healthy coffee!

Coffee in its purest form is smooth, delicious, and packed full of healthy antioxidants which are great to incorporate into your lifestyle when your body is ready. (See note below.)

I recommend Purity Coffee for so many reasons, the main reason being that Purity Coffee is one of the only coffee companies in the world that is completely focused on maximizing health benefits. They are able to prioritize all of the healthy benefits of their coffee without sacrificing the taste. It is pure, organic, and absolutely delicious!

Shop Purity Coffee

Once you have tried freshly roasted Purity Coffee, you will notice the difference, not only in how it tastes, but in how it makes you feel.

Do not be tempted by low-quality, rancid coffee just because the price point seems easier to manage. Your health will pay the price in the end.

Your health is your greatest asset and your BEST investment! With Purity Coffee, you can enjoy every pure and delicious cup and all the health benefits that come with it!

Please note: coffee should be avoided if it spikes your glucose. You can test your glucose before coffee and then about 30-60 minutes after. Your glucose should stay the same or only elevate slightly. If it goes up more than appx. 5-10, you could then try adding fat to your coffee. Blend it with a stick blender. That could balance your glucose. If it doesn’t, then you need to take more time for some cellular healing protocols before including coffee in your typical diet.


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