Are You Being Poisoned?


Are you being poisoned? Yes, yes you are. But you have a choice and you have control! Ready to take action?

More and more research shows that the chemicals in our environment and foods are aging us faster and faster from the inside out AND causing more and more degenerative diseases.

Much of it comes in the form of pesticides and antibiotics they use to grow our crops and raise our food, like chicken, eggs, beef, etc…

Toxicity is everywhere, so we must take action and even the simplest changes will help! WHY?

Because chemical toxicity causes our hormones to go haywire, causing hormone disruption and eventually chronic disease! And what runs your body?? HORMONES.

We have to find ways to manage our toxic exposure. It’s part of modern life. But it can be overwhelming to think of HOW and where to begin.

So start simple – clean out your kitchen and pantry. It is a minimal effort, maximum reward task to accomplish – and we’re here to help!

Click here for a step-by-step guide to cleaning out your kitchen and pantry – a very easy and impactful first step in your journey to health.

For your next step, visit! The Forever Young Academy can help you create a life of vitality and stay ‘forever young’ feeling by providing a step-by-step guide to detoxifying and upgrading your home, mind, and body.

Remember Progress, Not Perfection. It’s a process and we’re here for you every step of the way!


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Sheet Pan Chicken Bake