Clean Up Your Act, Your Life, Your Health
When we first went into quarantine so many of us went into a cleaning frenzy and disinfected our homes and lives, but do you know what’s in those household cleaning products under your sink? Chemicals!
These harmful cleaning solutions disrupt the hormones that run our bodies and are toxic to our health. There is a better way to sanitize our homes without exposing ourselves and our families (pets included) to harmful substances.
Today we’re sharing ways to literally clean up our lives while DETOXIFYING our homes...These are videos that we share with our clients.
Because we must first remove the interference or root cause of illness to restore health and well-being.
Click the video above to watch an entire playlist showing alternatives to mainstream products from household cleaners to the makeup and moisturizers we use on our skin.
For example, did you know that Coconut oil can be used as an antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral agent for the treatment of dermal infections? Coconut oil contains monolaurin, a compound derived from lauric acid; a wonderful way to moisturize the skin and clear bacteria.
What about those kitchen counters?
Here’s a different way to sanitize surfaces: Combine 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup club soda, and 2 drops of tea tree oil. Spray it onto surfaces and wipe clean. This mixture works to disinfect but it must be made fresh.
‘Cleaning’ up our lives means getting rid of household toxins….Are you ready?
Click the video above to check out the entire Detoxify Your Home playlist and be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel, where we will be adding videos weekly to improve quality of life.