Could Your Mattress Be Making You Sick?

Happy Memorial Day weekend! There are lots of mattress sales going on out there, so in case you’re in the market for one, we wanted share some things to consider other than comfortClick the video above to hear more or simply read on…

Did you know your mattress can make you constipated? Is that the craziest thing? I thought this was really relevant topic because of the more Memorial Day sales coming up.

​​Mattresses have flame retardants all over them…. They’re on your mattress, your pajamas, your pillow!

​​Now let me take you back to high school biology just for a second. Do you remember the periodic table, the elements, that big chart that was on the wall with the colors? All of the elements in one column bind to the other elements in the other column like magnets.

​​Iodide is necessary for thyroid function, but iodine binds like a magnet to chlorine and fluoride, and bromine, which is flame retardants.

​​So the flame retardant in your mattress that’s on sale this weekend, the flame retardant in your existing mattress, in your pajamas, and your pillows block the iodine so that your thyroid can’t work.
And when your thyroid can’t work, you end up with a long list of problems.

​​Studies show that 80% of Americans have a thyroid problem. Most of those are undiagnosed.

​​WHY? Because you go to the doctor and he runs a test, he or she is looking to diagnose disease but doesn’t tell you that your thyroid is not functioning optimally. The absence of disease is not enough for you. Right?

​​So when you think about the thyroid, you probably think of all these things your thyroid controls, especially your metabolism. So I guess my mattress could make me fat, too!

One of the first questionnaires we use with our clients is a thyroid questionnaire. After each question, it tells you the science behind how that’s relevant to the thyroid. ​​

​​Your thyroid controls, your sleep hormones, and your thermostat. If you’re hot and cold all the time, it could be thyroid related. Thyroid function controls hair, skin, and nails.

​​Your thyroid controls the way your body uses proteins and your hair skin and nails are proteins. Isn’t that fascinating?

​​The thyroid controls your mood. It controls the way your body handles pain. It can affect your fertility and constipation and diarrhea. Sometimes clients come into my office and say “I have both constipation, and diarrhea. Isn’t that the craziest thing?” Your mattress could be contributing!

​​So here are some other places where you could get that blocking of the iodine receptor. So chlorine is obviously in your water, you absorb mercury from your shower than you do from the water you drink all day long.

​​Fluoride. Again, your water in most cities or your toothpaste. Flame retardants are in your car, your television, and most computers. We’re not going to get rid of all those things, but you could change your mattress.

​​There are two brands that I recommend. One is Intellibed and the other is Plushbeds. Both of those are completely nontoxic. They have no flame retardant or toxins. My family loves them.

​​So think twice this weekend before you go buy a cheap mattress because if you end up with all these problems, that cheap mattress was not cheap!


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